Maze Loop, Window Trail & North Loop: Joshua Tree National Park ❤️❤️ Click for the latest Joshua Tree weather forecast.

Views on the Maze Loop

Views on the Maze Loop

3/13/2022: We hoped to see wildflowers but were out of luck. There hasn’t been much rain, so the wildflowers are few and far between. We did see many flowering Joshua Trees. That was cool as we had never seen them before. This is a boulder-strewn hike in the maze part of the hike. Some nice views over the valley and many cacti. We hiked counter-clockwise (the easier part first) to get our legs used to hiking again – this was our first hike in a while.

Marg’s Notes: The Maze Trail. Got up early. Had Raisin Bran for breakfast. Drove to Joshua Tree & got there ~8:30. Went in the west entrance. A few cars in line, but not bad. We told the woman at the entrance that we planned to do the Maze Trail. She told us not to because it’s easy to get lost! Started hiking at 8:47. We went counterclockwise. It was about 55o. We dressed in layers. We knew it would warm up. The first 2 miles was very typical Joshua Tree, except that the “trees” were blooming! Rod got some pics! The first trail we took was the Window Trail. Lots of nice views. Not many wildflowers. Then we hit the Maze. The trail was very well marked. We saw 2 people in this part. We did not get lost! The last part was the North Trail. Again, very well marked. Had very nice views of mountains to the west. Lots of pics! Not too hot…about 77o. the hike was supposed to be 7.2 miles, but we got 8! Took 3 hours 37 min. We only saw 10 people the whole way, but there were a lot of people on the road. We were going to have a picnic there, but too crowded! We drove back & stopped at the Morongo Natural Preserve. Nice little area. B.L.M. We ate there. There are a few little nature trails. But we were tired! Back for a nap!

Lasagna, salad, bread.

Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: 8:49 a.m. Chilly enough to start out with a jacket.

The park ranger recommended that we not do this hike because people get lost out here. I informed her that we have maps and GPS and we know what we're doing (laugh out loud). I informed her that I always get lost and I'm used to it :-). They call me wrong-way-Rod for a reason. Thus, GPS, maps and backups.

Only three cars at the trailhead including ours.

There are several places where you can loop back and make this a shorter loop. We did the window trail to the maze trail to the North trail.

The first five miles are easy. Going counterclockwise at about 5 1/4 mi you start your ascent into what makes the trail moderate as opposed to easy.